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Posture Perfect

Is there such a thing like a perfect posture? No. Why? Because every single human is different. But there's a good posture for every body when your body is in a proper alignment and the muscles have the right tension against the gravity.

During the pregnancy the posture changes (which is completely common) and after you have the baby it takes less or more effort get your pre-pregnancy posture back.

Let's say you're a lucky mom and your baby allows you to exercise for 60 minutes a day. My question is how does your posture look like the 23 remaining hours a day? Do you stay upright, do you clutch your glutes, do you round or over arch your spine? Are you keeping your core active while standing or walking? Do you distribute the weight equally on both feet and spread the weight between all toes and heel? And the practical every day stuff - how do you pick up and hold your baby? How do you pick up a bag with groceries? How do you bend over when loading a dishwasher? So many questions, right? :)) But my reason for asking is simple - if you put your effort, time, energy in working out for 60 minutes a day and the rest of the day you turn off your core and load the wrong muscles then the exercise doesn't make much sense.

I would rather like to see you to start with no exercise and watch your posture and do everyday movements correctly - because THAT is actually much harder and can be considered an exercise. Does it make sense? I shoot a video with my daughter with some basic mom-everyday-life movements a while ago - go ahead and watch it here: And let me know if you have any questions :))


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